Tuesday, January 4, 2011


DAY 36 We awake docked across form another HAL ship. It is much bigger than we are. We head to breakfast for the last time in our special dinning room and have our last eggs Benedict. Carolyn will really miss this tomorrow!!

Back in the room we gather up the odds and ends and head down to the Neptune Lounge to wait for our number to be called. Most people seem to be waiting in the suites. There is no pressure on the suite passengers to leave.

About 9:30 they call the first group and then about 10 minutes later they call our group and maybe six others. Of course, by the time we work our way down to the level of the gangway it is packed with people. There was only one card reader so things were moving very slow. People are getting really antsy and Elizabeth just continues to call one group after another!!

We are finally off the ship and breeze though immigration and customs. There is a bit of a wait for a taxi, but we are soon off to the airport. Security is a pain and we are stopped for a baggage check. Both bags are completely unpack and the contents sent back through x-ray. At last we make it to the waiting area for our flight. From here things go smoothly. The flight is uneventful and JW is there waiting for us in luggage pick up. The luggage arrives intact and we head back to Brenham. We love this luggage direct, makes things so easy!

The cruise was great. The itinerary was very nice, we enjoyed seeing all the islands. For us though, it is probably a one time cruise itinerary. We do like the Neptune Suites on HAL and have tentatively booked a 14 day Round trip Alaska trip for next year. We leave on Jan 9, 2011for a 71 day circumnavigation of South America including Antarctica and the Amazon River. After that we will work on plans for the next bucket trip.

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